Friday, January 25, 2008

Currently on the needles

I've been busy lately with test-knitting, so my own projects are temporarily on hold. I'm waiting for word from the designers before posting pics of my test knits, but so far I have done some baby booties, some ladies' socks, and I'm currently working on a toddler sweater by Just Jussi. It is an adorable design! I love the variety of patterns people come up with; it's half of what makes testing patterns so much fun. Hopefully, I'll get that permission soon, so I will have more pics available.

Otherwise, there hasn't been much going on over here. The kids are getting over colds and so am I and my hubby. Makes for a slow and grumpy household. :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

First lace-from-a-chart attempt

Another finished project! I dared myself to attempt knitting lace from a chart, and guess what, it wasn't so bad! Go figure. These are the Embossed Leaf Socks by Mona Schmidt, found in the book Favorite Socks by Interweave Press. Beautiful design, and now I have another pair of hand-knit socks! On to some test knitting now... I've got three test knits lined up, so I'd better get going!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, we made it through another year. Hopefully, 2008 will bring great things to us all. Another round of Christmas knitting is finished, and now I can work on things for me! Selfish, I know... I don't have any pics to post yet, but just wanted to wish everyone a fun and prosperous 2008, and put in another plug for my Etsy. LOL I desperately need to sell to make up for Christmas overspending!