Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cooking in the yarnhoardin' household

We have been doing a lot of cooking here lately, both me and the girls. Emily loves to cook, and last night she insisted on watching a cooking show on tv. So today, she was putting on her own cooking show. She was narrating which 'gredients she was adding to make 'ssert (dessert lol), and she also made soup and I'm not sure what else. She made sure to announce each ingredient as she added it from a separate bowl, just like they do on tv, mentioning how many grams of each item (grams? that's her own thing lol) and describing how to mix them. And yes, she does like to pose for pictures. Can't you tell?

Last night, Maddie wanted to make butter. We found this great book at the library, 50 Science Things to Make and Do. It called for filling a jar half-full with heavy whipping cream, a pinch of salt to taste, and shaking it for 15 minutes or so. Who knew it was that simple? Ok, so a lot of people did, but I didn't. lol It doesn't look like much, but we have this fresh, spreadable butter in the fridge, waiting for me to make a fresh loaf of bread to go with it.

As for me, I have been working on clean eating, trying to cut out white flour and sugar and man-made chemical additives in my food. So I found this recipe for snack bars made out of dates and nuts, and the kids think they look like dog poop, but they are very tasty. I used pecans instead of cashews.

And finally, for those interested, I have been doing some knitting. My Coraline cardigan is in time-out right now, for daring to let me mess up the first row of smocking on the yoke, and not noticing until I was up to the neck. I ripped back almost 40 rows. So there she sits, in time-out for now, and I'm working on the Krista tee with some friends. Here is the back so far:

Oh, and while you're here, don't forget to click the link towards the top on the right for Eat.Sleep.Knit. I'm collecting yards in the yarnathon and I get 5 yards each time you click! ;)